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Chapter Bylaws

P.A.D. Pre-Law Chapter By-Laws


P.A.D. Pre-Law Chapter: University of Colorado Boulder


ARTICLE I - Chapter


Section 1 - Name

As chartered by the International Executive Board of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, the name of this Chapter is: University of Colorado Pre-Law Chapter, of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.


Section 2 - Location

This Chapter is chartered and established at Boulder, Colorado and shall remain chartered at this school unless lawful action to the contrary is taken by the International Executive Board.


Section 3 - Duties of Chapter

As provided in the Pre-Law Chapter charter issued by Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, this Chapter shall promote the principles, ideals and precepts of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International; abide by the Constitution and International By-Laws of the Fraternity, as may, from time to time, be lawfully amended; adhere to the rules and procedures as may, from time to time, be lawfully promulgated by the International Executive Board; adhere to the rules and regulations of the University at which the Chapter charter has been granted; adhere to the laws of the City and State where the Chapter is located; and submit such reports and transmit such fees as may, from time to time, be required of the Chapter by the duly constituted authorities of the Fraternity.


ARTICLE II - Purpose


Section 1 - Chapter Purpose

The purpose of this Chapter is to provide an effective, cohesive forum to promote the principles, ideals, and precepts of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International and its Pre-Law Program. It shall promote the principles for the professional advancement of its members; stress the principles of liberty and equal justice under law for all citizens; stimulate excellence in scholarship; provide a forum for the interchange between members of this Chapter and the other members of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International; and develop an understanding of professional fraternalism among its members.


ARTICLE III - Membership


Section 1 - Members

The membership of this Chapter shall be composed of those University of Colorado Boulder students initiated into the Pre-Law Program of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. Members must be in good standing at this school as defined by the school’s student handbook.


Only student, administration, faculty and staff members who have been initiated into Pre-Law membership in this Fraternity and have no outstanding financial obligations to Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International shall be a member of this Chapter.


Section 2 - Eligibility for Membership

Phi Alpha Delta has an open membership policy which precludes all Chapters from having a pledge process or requiring a GPA for membership. The following persons are eligible for membership:


a. Student Membership - Any University of Colorado Boulder student who is in attendance and in good standing with the University of Colorado Boulder shall be accepted into Pre-Law membership of this Fraternity. Student members must take the oath of membership as prescribed by the Ritual of the Fraternity.


b. Administration and Faculty Membership - Any full or part-time administrator or faculty shall be accepted into P.A.D. Pre-Law membership. Administration or faculty members must submit a membership application and take the oath of membership as prescribed by the Ritual of the Fraternity.


Section 3 - Termination of Membership

Pre-Law membership in this Fraternity may be terminated by: (a) expulsion by a legally constituted Pre-Law Chapter of this Fraternity for violating the purposes of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, the provisions of the International By-Laws, the By-Laws of this Chapter or for failure to pay lawful financial obligations to the Fraternity or this Chapter; (b) voluntary resignation from membership; or (c) graduation.


Section 4 - Member in Good Standing

A member in good standing of this Chapter is a person who is duly initiated into Pre-Law membership in Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, and who is not delinquent in the payment of any financial obligation or performance of any other duty to this Chapter or the Fraternity.


ARTICLE IV - Chapter Officers


Section 1 - Officers

This Chapter shall elect a Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer annually. Candidates shall be elected from among the student members of the Chapter.


An advisor or advisors shall be appointed for each Chapter by the Director of Pre-Law Operations from among the administration and faculty members of each Chapter to serve for a one year term.


Officers are responsible for ensuring that the Chapter follows Fraternity policy, including the Pre-Law financial, open membership, drug and alcohol and anti-hazing policies.


Section 2 - Election of Officers

Elections for Chapter Officers shall be held no later than the first Monday in April of each year. The Chapter President shall set the date, time, and place for such election. The Chapter Secretary shall notify all student members and the Director of Pre-Law Operations of the details of such election at least ten (10) days prior to such date. Election shall be by a majority vote of the members in good standing, present and voting.


Section 3 - Terms of Office

The term of office is for one year. Elected officers shall assume the duties of office immediately upon being administered the oath of office.


 Section 4 - Duties of Officers

The officers of this Chapter shall have the following duties:


a. President - The President is the chief executive and administrative officer of the Chapter. The President is responsible for the welfare and dignity of the Chapter. The President is responsible, along with the other Chapter officers, for ensuring that the Chapter follows all Fraternity policies including the Pre-Law financial, open membership, drug and alcohol and anti-hazing policies.


b. Vice President - The Vice President shall work with the President in the performance of such Chapter duties as may be requested by the President. In the event of the absence, death, resignation, disqualification or removal from office of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. The Vice President is the public relations and historical officer of the Chapter. The Vice President shall submit written articles of Chapter interest to the Director of Pre-Law Operations for publication; and shall perform such other duties relating to publicity as the Chapter President or the Director of Pre-Law Operations may request.


c. Secretary - The Secretary is the chief recorder and correspondent of this Chapter. The Secretary shall keep complete record of all matters pertaining to this Chapter and shall certify thereto when necessary. The Secretary is the custodian of the Chapter By-Laws, minutes, and administrative records and reports of this Chapter. The Secretary maintains a record of all Chapter members, together with their current addresses, and dispatches notices of meetings to members as appropriate. The Secretary maintains a close liaison with the Chapter’s advisor or advisors and with the clerk of the local P.A.D. law school Chapter if applicable. The Secretary is responsible for submitting the official reports required of the Chapter by the procedures promulgated by the International Executive Board and shall furnish the Executive Board, Director of Pre-Law Operations and Chapter President with such information as each may request.

d. Treasurer - The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of this Chapter and is responsible, along with the other Chapter officers, to ensure the Chapter follows the Fraternity’s pre-law financial policy. The Treasurer is in charge of all Chapter funds and collection and disbursement thereof.


e. Chapter Advisor or Advisors - The Chapter Advisor or Advisors shall assist the student officers in the administration of the Chapter, shall be available to counsel the student members of the Chapter and shall act as liaison between the Chapter and the undergraduate school’s administration.


Section 5- Removal of Officers

Any Chapter Officer may be removed. Violation of the oath of office set forth by the ritual and/or the local Chapter By-Laws shall constitute good and sufficient cause for removal from office. The procedure for removal must be in complete accordance with the Constitution and International By-Laws.


ARTICLE V - Executive Board


Section 1 - Composition

The Executive Board of this Pre-Law Chapter is composed of the four duly elected Chapter officers. At the discretion of the Executive Board, Chairpersons of standing committees may be considered a part of the Executive Board.


Section 2 - Duties

The Executive Board is responsible for the proper operation of the Chapter. The Executive Board shall schedule, plan and implement programs, projects, functions and meetings with the major objective of providing for the professional advancement of the members. The Executive Board shall ensure the continuity of this Chapter by acquiring new members and providing professional service to the members of this Chapter, Fraternity and school. It shall carefully study and review all policies and procedures as promulgated by the International Executive Board to ensure compliance therewith.


Section 3 - Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a month to plan and implement the operations of the Chapter. It shall coordinate the work of various committees of the Chapter and shall develop a projected schedule of Chapter operations and events.


ARTICLE VI - Chapter Committees


Section 1 - Standing Committees

The chairperson(s) of the following standing committees shall be elected by the Chapter or appointed by the newly elected Executive Board during the same election as the general Chapter officers.

a. Professional Development

b. Membership

c. Social

d. Publicity

e. Finance

f. Community Service


Section 2 - Ad Hoc Committees

Other committees may be established by the Chapter for special purposes as determined by the Chapter. The committee chairs shall be elected by the Chapter.


Section 3 - Duties of the Committees

The standing committees shall have the following duties:

a.   Professional Development Committee - Unless otherwise directed by the Chapter, the Vice President shall chair this committee. It shall have the responsibility of developing programs which shall aid in the professional development of the Chapter.

b. Membership Committee - Unless otherwise directed by the Chapter, the Secretary shall chair this committee. This committee shall ensure the continuity of this Chapter by conducting a concentrated new member recruitment program in compliance with the Fraternity’s policies on open membership and anti-hazing.

c. Finance Committee - Unless otherwise directed by the Chapter, the Treasurer shall chair this committee. The main responsibility of this committee is to develop sources of revenue for the Chapter in addition to Chapter dues. It shall review and analyze the financial condition of the Chapter on a continuing basis and shall report to the Chapter its recommendations.

d. Social Committee - This committee shall plan, develop and execute social programs for the members of the Chapter to encourage the development of a close bond of professional fraternalism among the members.

e. Publicity Committee - This committee shall develop methods of publicizing the various activities of the Chapter at the school, in the local community and the Fraternity generally.

f.   Community Service Committee - This committee shall develop programs to serve the community.

g.  Only members who have served on a committee for at least one semester can run for an officer position.


ARTICLE VII - Director of Pre-Law Operations


Communication with the Director of Pre-Law Operations

It is the responsibility of all Chapter Officers and the Chapter Advisor to develop a close working relationship with the Director of Pre-Law Operations.


ARTICLE VIII - Fiscal Matters


Section 1 - Pre-Law Membership Fee

Each applicant shall pay the International Pre-Law Initiation Fee of One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the Treasurer of the Chapter prior to initiation into membership.


Section 2 - Local Chapter Dues

The dues of this Chapter are hereby set at $65 for new members and $50 for returning members. Each member of the Chapter shall pay the established Chapter dues to the Chapter Treasurer at the time such is due. Members delinquent in the payment of their Chapter dues shall pay a penalty of $10 for such delinquency. Any members who refuse to pay the lawful Chapter dues shall be reported to the Chapter by the Treasurer and if such members persist in the refusal to pay such lawful obligation, the member may be held to be a member in bad standing. This requires a majority vote among the executive board. Should a member require assistance with dues, chapters will find alternative routes of compensation such as community service.


Section 3 - Administration and Faculty Members

The Pre-Law International Initiation Fee is waived for administration, faculty and staff members of the school where this Chapter is located.


Section 4 - Assessments

The Chapter may, from time to time, by a majority vote, levy special assessments upon members of the Chapter, provided that such be levied at a regular or special meeting called for such purposes and the members of the Chapter are notified of such proposed action prior to such meeting. No such assessment shall exceed an amount equal to the annual dues of the Chapter. Upon approval of the Chapter, such assessment shall be a financial obligation of each member of the Chapter and shall be paid to the Chapter Treasurer.


Section 5 - Financial Policy

The affairs of the Chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the Pre-Law financial policy which can be found online at


ARTICLE IX - Chapter Meetings


Section 1 - Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of this Chapter shall be held no less than twice a month. Chapter officers shall determine and announce within 10 days of the beginning of the semester the regular day and time of regular Chapter meetings. In the event that the selected date and time becomes problematic, the Chapter may vote to change the regular day and time of such meetings. A Chapter vote regarding such a change must be announced no less than 10 days prior to the meeting, The agenda of the meeting must clearly state such vote will be held. A change in meeting time must be approved by the majority of all members in attendance.


Section 2 - Special Meetings

Special meetings of this Chapter shall be held at the call of the President, Chapter Advisor or at the call of any two of the other officers of this Chapter or upon request of one-third of the active membership of this Chapter.


Section 3 - Parliamentary Procedure

The latest edition of the Roberts’ Rules of Order shall control the parliamentary procedure of this Chapter.


ARTICLE X - Official Reports


This Chapter shall submit reports as required by the Executive Office or the Director of Pre-Law Operations, including the following:

a.   Membership Applications with the expected initiation date and International Pre-Law Initiation Fees shall be remitted to the Executive Office by the Chapter Secretary no later than the first business day of each month.

b. An updated Roster of Officers shall be submitted to the Executive Office by the Chapter Secretary immediately upon the election of officers or immediately upon any change in information included therein. Such report may be done online but should also include an email to the Director of Pre-Law Operations about the change.


ARTICLE XI - Pre-Law Chapter By-Laws


Section 1 - Authority

These Chapter By-Laws are adopted under the authority of and are subject to the rules and procedures of the International Executive Board of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. Any section which conflicts with such rules and procedures shall be null and void without, however, voiding the remainder of the Chapter By-Laws.


Section 2 - Amendments

The only sections of these local Chapter By-Laws which may be amended are:

Article I - Chapter

      Section 1 - Name (insertion of the Chapter’s name)

      Section 2 - Location (insertion of the Chapter’s location)

Article V - Executive Board

      Section 1 - Composition

Article VI - Chapter Committees

      Section 1 - Standing Committees

      Section 3 - Duties of the Committees

Article VIII - Fiscal Matters

      Section 2 - Local Chapter Dues


The above listed sections may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of this Chapter at a meeting called for that purpose and shall be effective immediately; provided, however, that notice of the proposed amendment to these By-Laws shall be given to all Chapter members at least one week prior to the meeting and provided further that no meeting for the amendment of these By-Laws shall be called during a vacation period of the school at which this Chapter is located.


Section 3 - Filed with the Executive Office

Upon adoption, a copy of the Chapter By-Laws shall be immediately emailed to the Executive Office of the Fraternity to be reviewed and approved by the International Executive Board and filed with the records of this Chapter, and maintained by the Executive Office. Any amendments to these By-Laws, officially adopted by the Chapter, shall likewise be filed with the Executive Office. Should a Chapter not adopt their own by-laws, or lose a copy of them, the Pre-Law Model Chapter By-Laws shall be in full effect.


Last revised: January 15, 2016


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